High Pressure Pasteurisation

High Pressure Processing (HPP) utilizes ultra-high pressures to destroy pathogens without the application of heat that can damage the taste, texture, and nutritional value of the food.

This technology treats product as it is suspended in pure water, allowing all sides to be treated equally and accurately from each direction. This deactivates pathogens by disrupting their cellular functions, while leaving smaller molecules unaffected. Its growing popularity as an innovative food treatment for high value foods such as shellfish is partly due to the fact that it involves minimal heat processing, actually pasteurising foods while leaving them raw. One of the unique advantages of HPP is that pressure transmission is instantaneous and uniform, is not controlled by product size and is effective throughout the entirety of the food item.

In addition, HPP offers several advantages over traditional thermal processing including: reduced process times; minimal heat damage problems; retention of freshness, flavor, texture, and color; and no vitamin C loss.

To find out more, please see UHDE by Thyssenkrup: